You are most welcome !

Obianuju Ekeocha

It all started when one rich western philanthropist tripped the switch with the weight of her wealth … Last summer, the flood “gates” of contraception was opened on the poorest nations in the world, and most of these were African nations. An astronomical amount of money was poured into the project that had as primary […] ..Read More

Benedict’s Legacy: Did He Fail Africa?

Obianuju Ekeocha

As we bid farewell to Pope Benedict , we reflect on his critically important work and mission in Africa … Benedict’s Legacy: Did He Fail Africa? Uju’s article, published by Catholic Exchange ..Read More


Obianuju Ekeocha

As Culture of Life Africa aims to reach and embrace ALL of Africa , we are launching a French version of our initiative “Culture de Vie Afrique” as a way of facilitating the propagation of the Gospel of Life throughout the francophone African region where French is spoken as a first or second language by […] ..Read More

COLAfrica on the air! – Tune in TOMORROW

Obianuju Ekeocha

TUNE IN TOMORROW! Uju and Nicole will be on Teresa Tomeo’s radio show (Catholic Connection) at 9:15am ET on Ave Maria Radio! You can listen online! We will be discussing the history and future of COLAfrica, including our new French-language initiative, as well as our upcoming conference in Owerri, Nigeria. Listen live! And as always, […] ..Read More

More media coverage

Obianuju Ekeocha

Please don’t forget to tune into tomorrow at 9:15am ET to hear Uju and Nicole! In addition to our radio show appearance tomorrow, Thursday(28th Feb) will be a BIG media day for Uju as she will be guest on 3 BBC showsthrough the day. She will be engaging the well known liberal American JesuitPriest […] ..Read More

A profound point for Holy Week reflection

Obianuju Ekeocha

Here is a quote to pray and reflect on during this most Holy Week: “Dear daughters of the Church, sit constantly at the school of Christ, like Mary of Bethany, and learn to recognize his word . Grow in knowledge of the catechism and the Church’s social teaching, so as to acquire for yourselves the […] ..Read More

Latex Lies: Why HIV Won’t Go Away

Obianuju Ekeocha

There are 34 million people worldwide living with HIV today and about 70% of them live in Africa, so how will Africa ever be free from the clutches of this killer virus? What exactly is the prevention plan laid out for us ? Learn the truth today about the agenda-driven prevention plan and the painful […] ..Read More

A heart-felt prayer request from COLAfrica

Obianuju Ekeocha

In this most Holy Week of intense prayer and worship , we implore all people of goodwill to remember to pray for the important work and mission of Culture of Life Africa . Please include us in your list of personal prayer intentions , your Rosary intentions and Mass intentions. Thank you so much dearest […] ..Read More

An Ad to change the culture

Obianuju Ekeocha

A HIV prevention program sponsored by USAID and UKAID (in collaboration with Kenya’s health ministry) launched a rather offensive Ad in Kenya . This Ad was not made to drive up sales of a product , rather it was made to weaken and desensitise the sexual moral norms of the African people as it glamorises […] ..Read More

Understanding the “unmet need” of the African woman

Obianuju Ekeocha

The massive world-wide contraceptive campaign that has gained a lot of clout and traction in the last few years has been based on the “unmet need” for artificial contraceptive drugs and devices especially in the poor and developing countries. So, armed with this ambiguous but powerful term, wealthy population control enthusiasts have unleashed their multi-billion […] ..Read More