About Us
We are a community of people who are faithfully attentive to the Gospel of Life , especially as it is taught by the Catholic Church. And as a result, we are passionately committed to the building up of a Culture of Life in Africa and indeed around the world.
We are setting off on this exciting project, inspired by God, fortified by prayers, armed with truth , and sustained by our dauntless love and respect for human life at every stage and age .
We have a broad spectrum of interests all aimed at sensitizing and educating the public on how to build up the Culture of Life within the difficult anti-life climate that we find ourselves.
Our interests span from writing about Africa, to organizing Culture of Life conferences, to analyzing African News on Life issues, to presenting global or local policies that are bound to affect the dignity and sanctity of human life.
Through all of this we will be presenting in our up-coming Photo Project, the African cultural values of faith, family, life, marriage and motherhood.
We are faithfully and unapologetically pro-life, pro-family, pro-woman, pro-motherhood and pro-Africa!
Our interests span from writing about Africa, to organizing Culture of Life conferences, to analyzing African News on Life issues, to presenting global or local policies that are bound to affect the dignity and sanctity of human life.
Through all of this we will be presenting in our up-coming Photo Project, the African cultural values of faith, family, life, marriage and motherhood.
We are faithfully and unapologetically pro-life, pro-family, pro-woman, pro-motherhood and pro-Africa!