Witnessing and Walking for Life in San Francisco


On Friday evening our wonderful Culture of Life Africa coordinators Claire and Lisa arrived San Francisco as thousands of other passionate pro-life people poured into the city for the Walk for Life which was scheduled for Saturday 25th January.

Claire and Lisa in San Francisco

They were privileged to attend the Issues for Life Dinner where they met many great pro-life advocates and activists including personal and dear friend – Janet Morana Executive Director of Priests for Life.

Janet, Claire and Lisa

The Issues for Life Dinner

The following day ushered in the Walkfor Lifewith throngs of pro-lifers gathering to witness in the most resounding way to life.
Banners (including our Culture of Life Africa banner) were raised through the streets of the city by the peaceful people of life.
In a nation that has laws (since 1973) that make it possible for abortionists to kill more than a million unborn babies per year, pro-life people have choosen this day to raise their hearts and tears to lament this sanctioned violence that is now spreading throughout the world – like toxic fumes.
This is why Culture of Life Africa joined the momentous manifestation for life.

How grateful we are!
That Culture of Life Africa could witness and walk for the dignity of every human life alongside the tens of thousands of people on the streets of San Francisco…

We will not stop until the life in the womb is respected and protected from one corner of the world to the other.
Protection for all!!!

A big shout out to Claire and Lisa – the two wonderful women who took us to SF.

As they walked under the colourful COLA banner, they prayed for every friend of COLAfrica.
That we will all be greatly inspired to proclaim the message of life even in the face of hostility.
That we will passionately continue to fight for the protection of the 80% of African nations that are tenaciously upholding their pro-life laws in a world where the most powerful nations are pro-abortion by law.
That we will live to see the conversion of those African nations that have swallowed the poisonous potion of abortion , nations like South Africa, Ethiopia, Tunisia.
That the wealthy western nations will refrain from infecting the lungs of the poorer nations with the toxic fumes that emanate from the bloodied chimneys of the abortion industry.
That women in crisis pregnancies will find hope and help in the heart and homes of pro-life people.

Our prayers and petitions for the sanctity of human Life were raised on the streets of one of the most liberal cities in the world…this city that has and hosts some of the most militantly pro-abortion politicians and personalities in the world.
If we can witness in San Francisco, then we can witness in any city of the world!!!
Amen! Amen!

Standing at the end of the tunnel…

This incredible picture of Lisa and Claire holding up the COLA banner under the unmissable golden beams of the sun rays, was taken right at the end of the Walk for Life..as you can see, the powerful witness that started 3 days earlier in Washintion DC under the bitter cold and snow storm at the March for Life, has ended with the most beautiful golden sun rays pouring down on us in San Francisco.

I’d say our prayers and tears for the unborn have surely thawed many many hearts frozen by the blizzard of abortion!!!
So for those politicians, academicians, lawyers, lobbyists, journalists, philanthropists, doctors, nurses, teachers, men and women who still remain unconverted after this weeks’ March and Walk for Life, we will never tire of shedding heart-felt tears for your conversion as we ardently pray…
Melt oh hearts of stone!
Thaw oh frozen hearts!
Soften oh hardened hearts and become flesh under the rays of God’s Son sothat the precious little ones conceived will be well-received to the point that they are all allowed to live…

This is #whywemarch
This is why we #walkforlife