Culture of Life Africa in DC!


Our own lovely Lisa is already in Washington DC bearing witness to the precious dignity of human life.

She, alongside thousands of other passionate pro-lifers, has braved the snow and the sub-zero temperature of DC tonight to be at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception for the Vigil Mass and Adoration in preparation of tomorrow’s March for Life.

Lisa has already made a mini-pilgrimage around the Basilica, prayerfully visiting the side chapels dedicated to various Continents, Cultures and Saints.

And as you can guess, she was all too excited to have the opportunity to pray at the beautiful African side chapel of the Basilica.
The chapel has a shrine dedicated to “Our Mother of Africa”.

In this side chapel, there are also African depictions of the powerful Pentecost scene as well as African-themed sculptures of Evangelists Matthew, Mark , Luke and John.
Indeed our Lisa is surrounded by sacred art and beauty as she immerses herself in heart-felt prayers for an end to a violently ugly culture – the Culture of Abortion in America and yes, around the world.
Here are some of the stunning images for the African side chapel…

Pentecost Scene
St Mark
St Matthew
St John
St Luke Lisa has assured us that she is praying throughout these events for the mission and friends of Culture of Life Africa .
About the other pilgrims around her,she reports that the resilience and strength of the pilgrims is contagious and palpable as many of the pilgrims are so young and vibrant and what a beautiful witness they are!

This Vigil Mass will be televised on EWTN TV so please tune in and join in this prayer campaign against the strong hold of the Culture of Death.