Africa weeps for Ireland

Most of the Western European countries have embraced and raised abortion as a woman’s right.So amidst the shiny cutting- edge and advanced society these European nations purport to have,the truth remains that they have all elected to deny their unborn babies the right to life if their mothers deem them “unwanted”.
As this blood-thirsty culture of abortion has cast a dark shadow across most of Western Europe, Ireland has been a radiant beacon of life and hope…until last week when an overwhelming majority of Irish elected officials opened the floodgates of abortion in Ireland.

How the vicious and violent winds of the Culture of Death can extinguish even the brightest of lights!

For , it was exactly a century ago that young , brave and bold Irish missionaries brought the Christian faith to my home town in Africa.

They brought the truth and light of the gospel to the continent of Africa at a time when many tribes and clans in sub-Saharan Africa were deeply entrenched in various forms and expressions of non-Christian traditional religion . It was really these heroic Irish missionaries  that fought and toiled to instil authentic respect for all human life and  dignity in Africa  by abolishing degrading and anti-life practices such as polygamy , infanticide and ritual killings which were practiced for generations in different parts of Africa.

They taught us that these unsavoury practices where simply incompatible with the Gospel of Christ and inconsistent with the Christian faith.

They helped my people to seamlessly incorporate the Christian faith and values into the African way of life while still preserving all the good aspects of our culture.So with their help , Faith melded into culture and culture found its perfection within the faith and what a fine fusion that was!

Today , Africa is one of the fastest growing and flourishing grounds for the Catholic Faith . And from one African nation to the next , the laws reflect strong pro-life and pro-family values in spite of the increasingly persuasive pressure from Europe and America , Africa still holds tenaciously to those pro-life values and firm faith which can be traced back directly or indirectly to the sons and daughters of Ireland who journeyed to our shores only a hundred years ago in 1913.

Fast forwarding to 2013, our hearts break to see the misguided Irish men and women in power who are not interested in spreading the values and gospel of life around the world , rather with the authority bestowed upon them , they have extinguished the sole light of life in Western Europe by voting and passing the abortion bill in Ireland , we see that they are indeed far removed from  the heroic sons and daughters of Ireland who ignited the light of faith and life in Africa last century.

So as we ,the African Christians consider this reality ,we must not remain remotely passive about it rather we must weep bitterly and pray fervently for Ireland , for even though their leaders have opened the floodgates of Abortion that is bound to kill babies and scar women for life in their country, we will never ever forget that their missionaries opened up the door of faith to many millions of Africans.