Culture of Life Africa joins in the March for Life USA

We are so excited to announce that Culture of Life Africa will be well represented at both the upcoming March for Life Washington DC on January 22nd as well as the Walk for Life San Francisco on January 23rd. 

If you would want to join us to give a stronger voice to the protection of the African people especially the unborn babies of Africa or you would want to help us explain to the public about the far reaching toxic effects of the  federally fueled and funded Culture of Abortion in America and it’s direct impact on Africa or you would want to help us raise awareness of the various nefarious projects in Africa funded by American tax-dollars, we would be very glad and grateful to welcome you!

Please email us so that we can connect you to the wonderful women who will be coordinating and carrying the Culture of Life Africa banners and African pro-life brochures. 
Our Coordinators: 
For March for Life Washington DC is Lisa Morris
For Walk for Life San Francisco is Claire Obenson
We have also confirmed that our March for Life DC coordinator Lisa Morris, will be interviewed for EWTN TV by EWTN host and dear friend to Culture of Life Africa- Teresa Tomeo. 
This will be a perfect opportunity  for us to witness to the real challenges that Africa is facing at this time when the Culture of Death is being powerfully propagated throughout the world by morally depraved (mostly western) social engineers who unfortunately are highly placed leaders, policy makers and philanthropists. 
Please contact us by email ( and come with us as we march and walk courageously for the sanctity of human life. 
Many thanks!