The Tale of the Triptych

I came across a detailed triptych (3-part picture) that captures and conveys clearly the driving forces, empty promises and anti-life goals mapped out at the International Conference on  Family Planning sponsored and hosted last week by the Gates Foundation in Africa. 
Simply put, the driving forces, facts and figures where provided by pro-abortion research institute (Guttemacher Institute); the empty promises were also projected by the Guttemacher Institute and based on these projections, the Gates Foundation mapped out their anti-life goal which entails flooding Africa with contraceptive drugs and devices. 
Here they are…
The driving factors, forces, “Facts and Figures” provided by pro-abortion researchers…

The Goal given by the Gates Foundation for the girls and women of Africa…. 

We have watched and heard them shouting at the top of their lungs into the ears of Africa: 
“Full access! Full choice!” 
And to that, we who believe in the dignity of every human life, would  ask them- Do you intend for this CHOICE to really be INFORMED CHOICE for the African women? 
It is an incontrovertible fact that each of these contraceptive techniques being thrown at Africa is fraught with all sorts of side effects. 
But how many African women know this?
The devices all carry (as is required) warning leaflets written in the tiniest and finest print that is very hard for the learned to read let alone the millions of women in Africa who are not able to read and know of these warnings. 
These are the same targeted women whose bodies will soon be laden with the contraceptive drugs and devices provided by the super rich and super cool western women of the pro-abortion movement. 
And by the time the side effects begin to manifest in our African population, many will not even have the access to the healthcare facility or personnel who who can diagnose or even treat them. 
So…Full Access! Full Choice! 
To move this an inch further I have taken the liberty of reading the inserts, manufacturer warnings and contraindications of each of these devices being thrown at my people as the key to “women empowerment”. 
Here is what I found by reading the fine print…
Can cause: 
Severe Blood clots 
Upper respiratory tract infection 
Cardiovascular diseases (notably stroke and heart attack)
Can cause: 
Uterus perforation
Pelvic inflammatory disease 
Ectopic pregnancy (because a small probability of pregnancy remains after IUD insertion)
Substantial pain in some women 
Ovarian cysts
Heavier periods
Can cause: 
Severe blood clots   
Permanent disability (caused by these blood clots)
Ischemic Stroke
Breast Cancer 
Cervical and Liver Cancers 
Comes with
-Low protection for Genital Human Papilloma virus (HPV) Transmission
-5% to 15%Chance of HIV Transmission
-High risk sexual behaviour 
Tubal Ligation
Permanent Infertility
Post-tubal sterilization syndrome Abnormal bleeding and/or pain
Changes in sexual behaviour 
Changes in emotional health
Increased premenstrual distress 
Infection (post-surgical) 
Permanent infertility
Bruising and bleeding
Post-Vasectomy pain syndrome(PVPS) – a chronic and sometimes debilitating condition 
Can cause:
Scalp-hair loss
Pain at the site of the implant
Itching at the site of the implant
Infection at the site of the implant
Ovarian cysts
Migration of implant within the arm 
Injection (Depo-Provera)
Can cause:
Breast Cancer 
Delayed return of fertility(9 to 10 months)
Osteoporosis (bone loss) 
Menstrual irregularities 
Break through ovulation & pregnancy and subsequently exposure of unborn baby to Depo-Provera leading to a high risk of low birth weight and an 80% chance of death in baby’s first year of life 
Abdominal pain or discomfort
Weight gain 
Asthenia (weakness or fatigue)
Hair loss
Higher incidence of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
*Increased rate of HIV infection

The empty promises painted and projected by pro-aborftion institutes… 
According to this triptych, contraception should pave the way…
-to “Global Development”
-to increasing household wealth
-to keeping girls in school
-to preventing HIV transmission
-to reducing climate change
-to women empowerment in Africa
These are the big promises with which these western institutions and organisations have warmed their way into the hearts of our African leaders. 
-How exactly will your sterilising of African women increase their household wealth when millions of them have no access to any form of education or training ? 
-How exactly are you going to keep our girls in school when in many many rural areas in Africa there are no schools to keep girls in? 
-How exactly are you going to prevent HIV transmission when your own researchers have demonstrated that the injectable contraception increases the risk of HIV transmission? 
-How exactly do you purport to reduce climate change by sterilising Africans when most of the industrial pollution and CO2 emissions are in fact from your own developed and highly industrialised world?
-How are you going to “prevent” 1.1 million newborn deaths when in fact your high-handed population control scheme (if adopted) will prevent the conception of more than a million African babies each year?
-How exactly are you going to prevent a third of maternal deaths while using drugs and devices that already carry their own potentially serious side effects which include death? 

We will await your response and we will welcome your change of heart on flooding Africa with what YOU deem best for Africans. 

But for now , I will defer to the clear and striking words of Great Pope John Paul II who wrote:
Aside from intentions, which can be varied and perhaps can seem convincing at times, especially if presented in the name of solidarity, we are in fact faced by an objective “conspiracy against life”, involving even international Institutions, engaged in encouraging and carrying out actual campaigns to make contraception, sterilization and abortion widely available.
(Evangelium Vitae #17)